Around the House....

Backyard table at our host-family's house. We usually eat outside only for special occasions as it frequently rains most of the day during the dry wet season, which ends in mid-December

The view towards the right from the door of our small "studio." This road is our link to the outside world, and a two 4x4 pick-ups (called "chivas") packed full of people travel its appx. one-hour length roughly 4-5 times per day. While the ride is dangerous and uncomfortable, one can jump on the back of the pick-up and hold dearly onto its welded iron bars, while it skips and slides over the mud-trenched and cliff-flanked rock road for a mere .75 .

A view of our front door and porch area from the direction of the road. The hombre, Felix Montero, is the father of the family in whose home we reside. His family is one of the hardest-working, friendliest, and involved families we have as of yet encountered in Panama. The woman on the right is Heather Ballance, the volunteer Amanda & I replaced in Cerro Brisa (our community), who was a great help to us during our initial site orientation.

A wider view of the whole house. As you can see, our "studio" is attached to the rest of the Montero house, but we have our own entrance and personal space, which makes it feel very private and comfortable. We hope to remain here for the duration of our two-year service

Felix Montero, holding out a "baby" venemous snake that he found while clearing land near his house with the pictured machete. I am not sure what the name of thise snake is, but he assured us that it could kill us quite efficiently.

A closer view of the above snake. Don't worry, it is quite dead.
Brian, doing what he does best.
Amanda sucking on/eating cacao seeds from the cacao fruit. If you've never done this before, its really hard to explain (trust me), but it is definitely one of the tastier experiences we've had thusfar.
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