Visual Aids
While the following pictures don't offer too much in the way of continuity, they should be fun to look at and somehow actually represent much of daily life here in our site.
Maybe someone else can tell us the name of these flowers, because we have been told that they are deadly poisonous and, while gorgeous, we are not sure why they were planted in the play yard of a local school. Lesson: just because the government puts it where children are told to play, doesn't mean it won't outright kill them.
Amanda, reading spanish books to one of the neighbor kids under our new porch. Although she may have told us, we have yet to figure out why the little girl has tape on her head. Maybe she's trying to hold in her brains or something.
Remember the pictures from a while back of us cutting and pulling palm fronds? Well, this is a picture of the final product of our labors, a new house for our host-family, as you can see being constructed in this picture. That's me in the white shirt in the background.
This is Polo, our host-bro, perched on top of the newly finished palm-house. He's always full of energy, his laugh is infectious, and he's a rare example of a local kid who's mind and imagination are always seeking the stimulation and satisfaction of discovering how the world "out there" works.
Not sure what kind of flower this is either (Amanda probably does, but I don't), but we have several of them growing around our home during the dry season. They don't smell at all, but they are pretty big and make fun additions to our home.
Obviously, this is Amanda. As you can see, she's sitting in the "double" hammock that we bought and in which we can both very comfortably sit and read at the same time. We spend a LOT of time in this position, so I though I'd show you what a good deal of my daily view looks like.
This is the house built by another volunteer in our group, Jack Taylor. I suppose being from Arkansas explains how he has so much skillz building such a sweet wood hut, but I didn't think the people lived THIS nice down there!

Another view but from below. Scan the faces. Look at our postures. I will neither confim nor deny that your assumptions about this group are true.
Angel's Trumpets are the flowers in the photo. They are a Hallucinogenic plant. I learned that in the Peace Corps guess they stopped teaching that!
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