April fools
In addition to a few very successful health seminars put on by Amanda & me at the ol' homestead, we've been continually plugging away at our latrine project, having almost reached our goal of 50. Community latrine coverage now stands at around 40%, a happy and distant cry from the 4% that we encountered upon arrival in 2006. Every latrine, built by and sweated for by each family that has one, takes several people out of the "crapping in the woods/streams" equation that so spoils the areas potable water supply. This alone makes our jobs here worthwhile.

Three of the local kids who love to come around occasionally for a visit.
This is our first foray into adding video clips to our blog, so sorry that it's facing sideways. I believe that an updated version of Quicktime is needed, but I'm really not too sure on that. Anyway, this is a shot of a young girl who comes and stays with the family every now and then named Hoga Montezuma. Our host father, Felix, offered here 5 cents to dance for the family which she did. Let's hope she's not still dancing for money 20 years from now.
This video is borderline sketchy.
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