"Hira" is basically a Panamanian word for tour, or walkabout. While Amanda was in Panama City for a few days for a meeting to discuss preparations for 12 new trainees that will be soon descending on our site for a week, I hit the trails and hiked for a few days around the middle of the comarca to visit a few friends' (Rob and then John) sites. The trails, while incredibly steep at times, were also absolutely jaw-droppingly beautiful and I had a great time.

Hiking down to Rob's site. I wish the photo did the view behind me any amount of justice but, like trying to convey the awe of the Grand Canyon through a square, it may be best left to your imagination.

I met Juaqine Rodrigues on the trail to Rob's site, and had a very interesting conversation with him that helped the time fly by. Behind him is where he lives. Not bad, huh?

A view of Rob's front porch. Rob, whose father is a structural engineer by profession, built this house with the help of his community. Even the boards, table, and radio were all hewn from surrounding trees with some local's chainsaw. Just kidding, the radio was actually carved using a pocketknife.

A view from the walk to John's site. Due to its elevation. and that we're in the middle of the rainy season, every vista was painted with the mist that you see rolling in the background. It was cool and beautiful, until the rolling mist turned into a thunderstorm and soaked me to the bone for an hour!

John, in the house that he built. While you may notice that there are no windows in his place, the bamboo walls let in a surprising amount of natural light, and are more than enough to read by during the daytime.

The inside of John's house, including the hammock where I slept the night in total comfort. It was also a good thing that John's bamboo walls allow for excellent ventillation as we made a mean bean 'n rice combination for dinner that night. With jalepeños.

On the walk back from John's site with Michael, his host-brother. The background is what John gets to see every time he comes home. Wow!

Final view leaving John's site. I definitely look forward to my return.