We have AIDS (info that is)
Over the past few weeks we've been in site for a surprisingly little amount of time, moving this way and that around Panama while helping out with training incoming groups and presenting AIDS information to interested communities from here to there. Actually, we've only given one STD/AIDS presentation (charla) so far, but Amanda, myself, and our two friends Casey and Jessica have plans to bring the charla country-wide to as many communities as we can. It's a great excuse to travel and see more of Panama while spreading the word about a subject that so few people seem to know very much about (at least in the deeper indigenous areas). So in short, its a fulfilling way to see other communities that we probably wouldn't otherwise find an excuse to see. It also serves as a nice way to fill time until we realize all of our funds for Cerro Brisa Latrine-Fest 2007. Hopefully the funds arrive soon, but until then we are keeping ourselves quite busy (in between reading all the great American classics, of course) and trying to help people along the way.
Look closely but don't touch! This fuzzy looking caterpiller can deliver an itchy, burning sting that can reportedly send small children to the hospital. Then again, small children can send small children to the hospital, so consider yourself doubly warned!

Another shot of Amanda in action. This group was a real pleasure to teach and already knew quite a bit more than we had expected they would. That's Casey, reaching forward, and Jessica, looking enthusiastic over in the corner.

The group.

Jessica and Casey, on an early morning walk back from Casey's town after a few hard but fun days spreading AIDS awareness.
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