and a few more...

Work day in the Comarca! Every month or so, the Panama Ministry of Agriculture holds group work days to train community members in advanced agriculture techniques. It is amazing what gets done.
A random shot of our project's zinc roofing arriving at our house. About 5-6 community members showed up to help unload it.
A broader view of the workday mentioned in the first picture. This finca (small farm) is a good example of the average local land plot. I think that's corn growing in rows just below our vantage.
Remember the parades from our previous post? Well, this is our local equivilant. Up and down the street...
This was a new (and likely never to be performed in the US) and extremely dangerous game that local students recently participated in. The object is to ascend a greased-up bamboo pole to grab the bag of candy at the top. It takes a long time to scrape off all of the grease, but eventually one of the kids is able to do it. Some of the falls we witnessed from this game are haunting...
Amanda and I, and a bunch of animals (Amanda wishes me to add that there is also a piglet attached to the leash in my right hand) . I am not sure why we still have this picture.
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